//Extensions for Dagger Hilt/it.czerwinski.android.hilt.fragment.testing/HiltFragmentScenario/Companion


[androidJvm] object Companion


Name Summary
equals [androidJvm]
open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

hashCode [androidJvm]
open fun hashCode(): Int

launch [androidJvm]
fun <F : Fragment> launch(fragmentClass: Class<F>, fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes()themeResId: Int = defaultTheme, factory: FragmentFactory? = null): HiltFragmentScenario<F, HiltFragmentScenario.EmptyFragmentActivity>
fun <F : Fragment, A : FragmentActivity> launch(activityClass: Class<A>, fragmentClass: Class<F>, fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes()themeResId: Int = defaultTheme, factory: FragmentFactory? = null): HiltFragmentScenario<F, A>
More info
Launches a Fragment with given arguments hosted by an empty FragmentActivity themed by themeResId, using the given FragmentFactory and waits for it to reach the resumed state.

launchInContainer [androidJvm]
fun <F : Fragment> launchInContainer(fragmentClass: Class<F>, fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes()themeResId: Int = defaultTheme, factory: FragmentFactory? = null): HiltFragmentScenario<F, HiltFragmentScenario.EmptyFragmentActivity>
fun <F : Fragment, A : FragmentActivity> launchInContainer(activityClass: Class<A>, fragmentClass: Class<F>, fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null, @StyleRes()themeResId: Int = defaultTheme, factory: FragmentFactory? = null): HiltFragmentScenario<F, A>
More info
Launches a Fragment in the Activity’s root view container android.R.id.content, with given arguments hosted by an empty FragmentActivity themed by themeResId, using the given FragmentFactory and waits for it to reach the resumed state.

toString [androidJvm]
open fun toString(): String


Name Summary
defaultTheme [androidJvm] val defaultTheme: Int
EXTRA_THEME [androidJvm] const val EXTRA_THEME: String