Build Kotlin Multiplatform
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implementation 'it.czerwinski:kotlin-util:2.0.0'



Kotlin Multiplatform Projects

In multiplatform projects, the library can be used as commonMain dependency.

See also Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Example.

Java Modules (JPMS)

In projects using Java Modules (JPMS), add the following line to your

module your.module {
    requires it.czerwinski.kotlin.util;

Supported Types



Scala documentation Scala sources

Implementation differences:

  • exists has been replaced with any – Kotlin convention
  • forall has been replaced with all – Kotlin convention
  • foreach has been replaced with forEach – Kotlin convention
  • orNull has been replaced with getOrNull – Kotlin convention
  • unzip3 has been replaced with unzip – there is no ambiguity in Kotlin
  • implemented additional functions: filterNotNull, filterIsInstance – Kotlin convention

Kotlin introduces its own null-safety mechanisms. Most of the time, Options can be replaced by nullable types in Kotlin, e.g.:

var number: Option<Int> = // … { it.toString() }.getOrElse { "" }

gives the same result as:

var number: Int? = // …


However, Options might be useful whenever null values are not allowed, e.g. RxJava 2.x Observable.


Scala documentation Scala sources

Implementation differences:

  • exists has been replaced with any – Kotlin convention
  • forall has been replaced with all – Kotlin convention
  • foreach has been replaced with forEach – Kotlin convention
  • implemented additional functions: filterNot, filterNotNull, filterIsInstance – Kotlin convention
  • implemented additional functions: filterToOption, filterNotToOption, filterNotNullToOption, filterIsInstanceToOption
  • implemented additional function getOrNull in addition to toOption – Kotlin uses its own null-safety mechanisms

Since version 1.3, this implementation is right-biased, therefore it is possible to use methods directly on Either instead of RightProjection, e.g. it is possible to use {} instead of {}. Use of RightProjection has been deprecated.

Scala convention that “dictates that Left is used for failure and Right is used for success” (Scala Standard Library Documentation) is still a preferred way of using this class.


Scala documentation Scala sources

Implementation differences:

  • foreach has been replaced with forEach – Kotlin convention
  • implemented additional functions: filterNot, filterNotNull, filterIsInstance – Kotlin convention
  • implemented additional function getOrNull in addition to toOption – Kotlin uses its own null-safety mechanisms

Additional Iterators


Iterator based on the result of scala.collection.Iterator.empty, producing no values.

Kotlin defines an internal EmptyIterator, which can only be obtained indirectly from empty collections, e.g.:



Iterator based on the result of scala.collection.Iterator.single[A](elem: A), producing a single value.

An iterator for a singleton list is defined in Java, in a package-private static method java.util.Collections.singletonIterator(E e). It can only be obtained indirectly from a new instance of a singleton list, e.g.:


Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Example

  1. Create a new Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile project.
  2. In shared/build.gradle.kts, add kotlin-util dependency to commonMain:
     repositories {
         // [...]
     kotlin {
         // [...]
         sourceSets {
             // [...]
             val commonMain by getting {
                 dependencies {
  3. Edit Platform class to return Option<String>: commonMain:
     expect class Platform() {
         val platform: Option<String>


     actual class Platform actual constructor() {
         actual val platform: Option<String> = Some("Android ${android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}")


     actual class Platform actual constructor() {
         actual val platform: Option<String> = Some(
             UIDevice.currentDevice.systemName() + " " + UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion
  4. Edit Greetings class to get value from Option:
     class Greeting {
         fun greeting(): String {
             return "Hello, kotlin-util on ${Platform().platform.getOrElse { "unknown platform" }}!"
  5. Run both mobile apps.
Android screenshot
Android screenshot
iOS screenshot
iOS screenshot