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Project Setup

To use Android Graphics Utilities in the project, add the following dependency to your Gradle script:

implementation "$graphicsUtilVersion"

Library Features


The library defines several useful constants:

  • PIFloat value closest to π (the Ludolphian number)
  • DOUBLE_PIFloat value closest to 2π
  • RIGHT_ANGLEFloat value of the right angle measured in degrees (90)
  • STRAIGHT_ANGLEFloat value of the straight angle measured in degrees (180)
  • FULL_ANGLEFloat value of the full angle measured in degrees (360)

Extensions for angles

There are several extension functions for Float, useful when working with angles.

Conversion between radians and degrees

To convert radians to degrees, use Float.radToDeg(), e.g.:

val degrees = PI.radToDeg() // 180.0f

To convert degrees to radians, use Float.degToRad(), e.g.:

val radians = STRAIGHT_ANGLE.degToRad() // PI / 2

Conversion between angle in degrees and arc length

To calculate the angle enclosing the arc with the specified length and radius, use arcLengthToAngle(), e.g.:

val angle = DOUBLE_PI.arcLengthToAngle(radius = 2f) // 180.0f

To calculate the length of an arc enclosed by the specified angle and having specified radius, use angleToArcLength(), e.g.:

val angle = 90.angleToArcLength(radius = 4f) // 2 * PI

Extensions for colours

Mixing colours

To mix two colours in a specified proportion, use mixColors(), e.g.:

val orange = mixColors(Color.RED, Color.YELLOW, ratio = 0.5f)

HSV colour model

There are a few functions simplifying conversion between colour Int and HSV colour model:

val color = hsvColor(hue = 30f, saturation = 0.9f, value = 0.8f)
val hue = color.colorHue()
val saturation = color.colorSaturation()
val value = color.colorValue()

Note that colorHue(), colorSaturation() and colorValue() are not optimized for accessing more than one of the HSV colour model channels.

Extensions for rectangles

Setting Rect

An instance of Rect can be set with the values closest to a defined RectF, e.g.:

val rectF: RectF
val rect: Rect


It is also possible to set values in an instance of Rect to enclose a circle or an oval, e.g.:

rect.setCircle(cx = 10, cx = 20, radius = 1) // Rect(left = 9, top = 19, right = 11, bottom = 21)
rect.setOval(cx = 10, cx = 20, rx = 3, ry = 2) // Rect(left = 7, top = 18, right = 13, bottom = 22)

Setting RectF

Extensions facilitating definition of a rectangle enclosing a circle or an oval are also provided for RectF, e.g.:

rectF.setCircle(cx = 1f, cx = 2f, radius = 0.5f) // RectF(left = 0.5f, top = 1.5f, right = 1.5f, bottom = 2.5f)
rectF.setOval(cx = 1f, cx = 2f, rx = 1.5f, ry = 1f) // RectF(left = -0.5f, top = 1f, right = 2.5f, bottom = 3f)

Extensions for paths

Defining a new path

To easily replace an existing Path with a new contour, use Path.set() extension, e.g.:

path.set(close = true) {
    moveTo(1f, 1f)
    lineTo(2f, 1f)
    lineTo(2f, 2f)
    lineTo(1f, 2f)

Advanced paths

AdvancedPath provides several additional methods to Android Paths.

An additional version of arcTo allows to add arc contours in a more intuitive way, e.g.:

    cx = 1f,
    cy = 2f,
    radius = 0.5f,
    startAngle = 10f,
    sweepAngle = 20f,
    forceMoveTo = true

AdvancedPath also contains methods for defining circular sectors and annulus (ring) sectors, e.g.:

    cx = 1f,
    cy = 2f,
    radius = 10f,
    startAngle = 90f,
    sweepAngle = 90f,
    inset = 0.1f

    cx = 1f,
    cy = 2f,
    radius = 10f,
    startAngle = 90f,
    sweepAngle = 90f,
    thickness = 2.5f,
    inset = 0.1f

Extensions for canvas


Android KTX defines a few extensions for affine transformations. For example, it is possible to perform part of the drawing with translation:

canvas.withTranslation(x = 10f, y = 20f) {

Android Graphics Utilities define an additional extension for translation with radial coordinates:

    distance = 10f,
    angle = 30f
) {